Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's Been a Long Time

It's been a while. My the school has been cramming education on us for the lovely FCAT. So, I haven't had time to post anything. Well, now that it's over here I am.

So, Last time I posted, my "hair world" had crashed and burned due to the loss of mt nappylocs tool. I found that little thing and I have tightened my hair. Yay Me!

So, now it's March, A whole new month and my hair is growing! Except for the place that has nearly ALWAYS been short on me, the lower back part. Everywhere else on my head is showing significant growth, And I'm sure it's doing something, but it's not like I sleep on my back or anything. And It has this habit of wanting to curl under. Making in look shorter than it actually is. But at least it does cover what it needs to.

I have been re-locking my mom's hair, I can say that I have had the experience of creating locs. It's a daunting task. Especially when she has long hair. But were not doing the whole head right now. She takes some down, and I loc it. And that's how were going to do it. She doesn't care much about the pattern, but they are all square shaped and I try to make them match up even though.

I'll be posting more regularly I hope.

Naturally yours,


1 comment:

  1. Its been awhile since you have posted. What's your hair looking like now?
