Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My 2nd Re-tightening

Hey people! Long time, no blog. I have been neglecting my blog as much as I have been this 2nd re-tightening. This is hard work. It looks weird if it's done in public, and you can't do it quickly. That is exactly why I can't seem to find the time to get this done! It's so much work, and it takes up so much of my time! I'm gonna get this done because I'm no fan of looking bad. I notice that I don't seem to be able to get my hair like my mom does. But I've been reading on various forums and other blogs, that it's kinda damaging to the hair and can cause breakage if you tighten it too much or too tightly. So, I let some of the new growth mellow, but not much of it. It's just so hard to keep from marrying them together. I'm gonna keep at it, but I don't wanna take like 5 days to do it again. DIYing can have its rewards, and it's annoying little cousin, his name is hard work. I'm not really a fan of his.

Naturally yours,

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